Source code analysis

Source code analysis is done to find the bugs which cannot be exploited during the process of black or white box testing. Source code analysis ensures security and discovers the hidden flaws in the software. Our professionals conduct the code review and according to the checklist to quickly assess and prepare the reports regarding vulnerabilities.

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Why Source code Analysis

After Source code analysis, about 95% vulnerabilities can be eliminated and 98% critical; high risk vulnerabilities can be eliminated. The source code analysis should be done at the early stage of project development. If its delay results in the exploitation, then the cost of implementation occurs twice of that of development.

How do we help?

Are you not sure to share your source code with us? We are registered company by Govt. of India (MCA) and we analysis source code in highly secure environments. Unlike the other security audit services, we not only focus on automated tools but also follow the logic of organization, application data flow. The mixture of both automated and manual helps to give the best outcomes.


Every organization has reputation and source code analysis prevent this reputational loss. After Source code analysis, about 95% vulnerabilities can be eliminated and 98% critical; high risk vulnerabilities can be eliminated with the help of our experts who have been working for the same for more than 10 years.